The RWA shortlisted options

A number of rumours about the RWA options which are floating about town have been passed on to POW!  Many are simply not true. 

POW! gets why some people, with a not so hidden agenda, exaggerate the cost of a pipeline from Connolly Dam to Stanthorpe and continue to suggest that Emu Swamp Dam is the answer for Stanthorpe in a severe drought (which it isn’t). 

The fact is, there is no reason you cannot support a pipeline for the town and also support another option for increased irrigation water in the district.  This is not an “either/or” scenario.  And the Mayor’s refusal to engage with more than one option risks Stanthorpe being left in a “neither/nor” scenario.

 The next stage in the RWA is a public consultation phase, where local residents and businesses will get their chance to be part of the discussion.  You can find out more about the options for the Southern Downs that have been shortlisted under the RWA in our ready reckoner.

Let’s get some facts out there! 

 17 June 2023


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