Protect Our Water

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Where do we go from here?

In its recent Factsheet to ratepayers about Emu Swamp Dam, Council once again conceded that Emu Swamp Dam is not a long-term solution to Stanthorpe’s water security issues.

So even if Emu Swamp Dam proceeds, SDRC still needs to deliver long-term water security to Stanthorpe.  But none of the “other projects” listed by Council in the Factsheet deal with Stanthorpe’s long-term water security issues.  This is despite Stanthorpe having needed significant water carting in the last drought and SDRC clearly recognising that something needs to be done.

Am I missing something?  Or could this be related to Mayor Pennisi’s answer to Belinda Sanders on ABC Local Radio, when asked whether any other water supply options were being looked at for Stanthorpe:


If the Mayor was interested in long-term water solutions for Stanthorpe, what could these include?  There may be non-infrastructure options like water recycling and efficiency projects, or alternative infrastructure options which actually do provide long-term water security for Stanthorpe.

One option is the Connolly Dam pipeline.  After all, it was Connolly Dam that got us through the last drought when Storm King Dam was empty.  The State Government modelling done for SDRC during the last drought in November 2020 found that “Connolly Dam with no inflow could support carting until August 2022.”  The drought broke in March 2021, so that means there was still enough water for carting for another 18 months if it was required.  In contrast, according to the State Government modelling, Emu Swamp Dam (like Storm King Dam) would have been empty.

This advice from the State government matches that of GHD’s 2017 report to Council, which recommended that the Connolly Dam pipeline was more effective for long-term water security than Emu Swamp Dam.  Similarly an earlier 2010 report to Council recommended the pipeline from Connolly Dam as representing the best option in terms of all criteria investigated (see SDRC Factsheet of 11 October 2011).

In that October 2011 Factsheet (“Pipeline from Connolly Dam to Stanthorpe”) SDRC stated that operating Connolly Dam in conjunction with Storm King Dam was modelled with 100% reliability even in the most severe drought conditions and it was a “complete solution to Stanthorpe’s water security problems”. 

Also, unlike options for new or bigger dams, such as Emu Swamp Dam or raising the wall of Storm King Dam, according to SDRC the Connolly Dam pipeline does not have significant environmental issues, planning approval issues or other risks. 

In 2011, the cost of this option was approximately $21m.  Has Council updated these estimates, or approached the State Government to ask about state funding for such a project?  Sadly, I suspect not.